Name: Peter Bush
Location: UK
What do you love most about the card swap?
I love the excitement of seeing the style of cards and learning about new people who are also struggling with illness.
Primary Diagnoses
Chronic Pancreatitis, IBS, Barrett’s Oesophagus, Hiatus Hernia, GORD, Pre-Diabetes, Psoriasis, ME, Allergy to Peanuts causing Anaphylaxis, Meralgia Paresthetica, Bile Acid Malabsorption, Anaemia, Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
Social Media Instagram: @peterbush1
Fun facts about you
I am 36 years old and enjoy spending time with my family, I have an amazing wife and two children.
I am a Governor of the local NHS Hospital Trust and I volunteer as a Community First Responder for the ambulance service.
Prior to getting chronically ill I used to enjoy mountain biking, surfing and kayaking. We have 4 cats named Puss, Honey, Shadow & Binx.
A very old but interesting fact, when I was a Teenager I rode my bike in front of the Queen’s car in a parade when she came to open the Millennium Cycling Path in Wales.
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